
Our expert onboarding team will guide you every step of the way

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Project Discovery

To make sure you get the most from RotaMaster, we will begin with a project discovery phase. During this we will take time to get to know you as an organisation, how you run your services and the key things that you’re looking to gain by implementing RotaMaster.

  • Objectives – We’ll work together to create some common goals for the project.
  • Project plan – Based on the objectives and agreed timescales, we’ll create a bespoke project plan to help guide you through the implementation process. Our digital project management platform provides both you and our teams with total oversight of deliverables, updates and dependancies.
  • Roll out plan – We’ll work with you to help you decide on how to introduce RotaMaster to your staff members. It’s always a big change, so we’ll provide some best practice approaches for making sure that your teams understand the benefits that RotaMaster will bring and how to use the key features.

Consultancy & Requirements Capture

During the consultancy phase you will have regular sessions with our Customer Success team. They will ask questions around your current processes, review your current rotas, HR and payroll documents, and discuss in detail how RotaMaster can align with and optimise each area. Broadly, we will cover;

  • Rota Processes:
    • How are you currently building your rotas and how long does it take?
    • How do you know how many staff you need at any given time?
    • What are the variables that go into allocating people to shifts?
    • Do you have struggles on specific days/shift types?
    • How are rotas currently shown to staff?
    • How do staff complete timesheets?
  • Payroll Processes:
    • Do staff members have variable rates of pay?
    • Which payroll provider do you use?
    • How do you currently generate a payroll file?
  • HR Processes:
    • How do you track absences and link them with rotas?
    • How are staff generally notified of outstanding actions?
    • Where do you keep staff documents and records?
    • What are your key HR metrics, and how do you report on them now?
  • Communication
    • How do you inform your teams of shifts that need cover?
    • How do you currently communicate with your teams generally?
    • Do you have a repository for documents/policies that staff access?

RotaMaster training

As part of your Implementation, we will provide full system training for you and your administrative teams. This will cover initial set up right through to day to day use, best practice and hints and tips. Training is always based around the outcomes of the consultancy phase, ensuring that the focus is on the features that will have the most impact. We offer various approaches;

  • Train the Trainer
  • Full Team Training (Administrative Users)
  • Face to Face Sessions
  • Online Sessions
  • Online Workshops

System Testing and Roll-Out

Business change is never easy, and that’s why we’re always available to support you through system testing and roll out. During this phase we will;

  • Work with you on suggested roll out communication to staff members
  • Provide User Acceptance test plans, should you wish to use them
  • Be available for support with any issues you may have whilst testing
  • Provide floor walking services on key go-live dates
  • Direct access to our support team for your end users logging into our mobile app
  • Refresher training sessions to ensure your teams are comfortable

Keen to know more about our approach?

Our Head of Customer Success, Ellie, is always happy to chat.

Ready to find out more?

Book a demo with one of our team today.

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20A Appleton Court, Wakefield
West Yorkshire, WF2 7AR

01924 252 360