SWL Primary Care Provider Alliance
Mariam Ganesaratnam, Director and CEO at SWL discusses how RotaMaster has supported collaborative working across the region.
The challenge
South West London Primary Care Provider Alliance (SWL) required a workforce management software which would facilitate the sharing of a flexible resource pool of more than 1,200 staff across five boroughs in the region. This included GPs, ANPs, Nurses, Doctors, Admins, HCAs, Receptionists and Management.
This new workforce management software would need to help the Alliance to reduce rota gaps, improve staff engagement and reduce reliance on external agencies by at least 10% (a requirement set out by NHS England).
The solution
Individual boroughs within SWL had long been using RotaMaster software to manage their workforce and were therefore familiar with technology and had a proven case of its capabilities to deliver against their objectives.
Management at SWL appreciated how quick and simple it was to create and distribute shifts with innovative features including auto-scheduling (which is able to populate rotas with the click of a button). Therefore, when it became apparent that the Alliance required a solution which would help increase collaboration across the region, facilitating segmented workforce pools – they knew that RotaMaster could handle this – and more.
The results
The SWL flexible workforce pool has successfully staffed services from extended access, Covid services (including vaccinations) and winter resilience within Primary Care and across the service.
Mariam Ganesaratnam, Director and CEO at SWL added , ”Working in collaboration with RotaMaster, the SWL Alliance, SWL Federations and Primary Care Networks have been able to build workforce resilience due to the tools and technology as well as the flexibility that RotaMaster has been able to provide.”
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